all the stuff goin on here.

hey you guys, this is a blog focused all around writing and reading so if you dont like it, i dont care.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

its a short story, with a twist!

            I threw myself against a tree trunk,panting as I sank to my knees to remain unseen. The  grip on the assault rifle was in my right hand and the barrel guard was in my left. I already knew my gun was loaded and ready to shoot, all i had to do was flip the safety. i sat waiting as i took stock of my surroundings; that's when my phone vibrated. I adjusted my gun so my finger was on the safety as i used my left hand to get my phone from my pocket. It was a text, "NOW. WEST." was all it said. i knew what it meant.
            i leaped up, flicked the safety, and shot to the west, immediately following with running to the east. I jacked the slide on my rifle to allow another modified bullet to slide into the chamber just as i slid behind another tree. I quickly switched to full auto on my gun, and fired off four rounds the direction i had come, three over to the north, and five more over to the south; i fired until my slide flipped back, indicating the loss of ammo. I didn't have to look, i knew my bullets had struck where they needed to. i had no time to reload, i flung down my gun onto the soft ground as i reached in my other pocket for the detonator. I soon found what i was looking for, a small one inch by one inch metal square. i easily flicked it open as if it were a lighter. inside there was a small red button, i pressed it and pushed myself up against the tree, just as the first explosions started to go off. i felt the heat rush over me, i felt the entire battle field shake.
            my ears were ringing by time it was all over, i peeled myself off the scorched tree and felt my phone vibrate once again. I guess this air-soft war if over i mumbled as i checked my phone. 


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